
國際時事跟讀 Ep.K935: 抖音難民:當美國人選擇中國社群媒體 Tiktok Reguees: When Americans Choose Chinese Social Media



國際時事跟讀 Ep.K935: Tiktok Reguees: When Americans Choose Chinese Social Media

Highlights 主題摘要:

  • The potential TikTok ban in the United States has led to an unexpected cultural phenomenon, with American users deliberately choosing a Chinese platform as a form of protest and cultural exploration.
  • Despite language barriers and different internet norms, Chinese and American users are creating meaningful connections through teaching languages, sharing cultural insights, and engaging in daily life discussions.
  • This digital migration demonstrates how social media can transcend political tensions and create genuine person-to-person connections, challenging traditional notions of digital borders.

In an unprecedented shift, American social media users are flocking to Xiaohongshu, a Chinese social media platform, as TikTok faces an imminent ban in the United States. This mass movement has given birth to a unique phenomenon where users identify themselves as "TikTok refugees," fostering an unexpected connection between American and Chinese social media communities.

在一場前所未有的轉變中,隨著 TikTok 在美國面臨即將到來的禁令,美國社群媒體用戶正大量湧入小紅書這個中國社群媒體平台。這場大規模遷移催生了一個獨特現象,用戶自稱為「TikTok 難民」(TikTok refugees),在美國和中國社群媒體社群之間建立起意想不到的連結。

The influx of American users to Xiaohongshu, which translates to "Little Red Book" in English, coincides with the U.S. Supreme Court's consideration of legislation requiring TikTok's separation from its Chinese parent company, ByteDance, by January 19. Rather than migrating to established Western platforms, many American users have deliberately chosen this Chinese application as a form of protest against the proposed ban. This bold decision has propelled Xiaohongshu to the top position of free applications on Apple's App Store in the United States, marking a significant shift in digital platform preferences. The platform has traditionally served as a hub for lifestyle content, including product reviews, travel recommendations, and beauty tutorials, attracting over 300 million monthly active users.

美國用戶湧入小紅書的時機,恰逢美國最高法院正在審議一項法案,該法案要求 TikTok 必須在 1 月 19 日前與其中國母公司字節跳動(ByteDance)分離。許多美國用戶並未選擇轉向知名的西方平台,反而刻意選擇這個中國應用程式,以此抗議擬議中的禁令。這個大膽的決定使小紅書躍升為蘋果應用商店在美國最受歡迎的免費應用程式,標誌著數位平台偏好的重大轉變。該平台傳統上一直是生活風格內容的集散地,包括產品評論、旅遊推薦和美妝教學,每個月吸引了超過 3 億的活躍用戶。

The cultural exchange unfolding on Xiaohongshu has been remarkably positive, with Chinese users extending warm welcomes to their American counterparts. Many Chinese users have volunteered to teach Mandarin, while others provide valuable guidance on navigating the Chinese internet landscape. Despite language barriers and the absence of translation features, users from both countries are discovering innovative ways to communicate and share their experiences. Some American users have even begun learning basic Mandarin phrases to better interact with their new online friends, while Chinese users offer assistance with understanding cultural nuances and platform features.


This digital migration presents both challenges and opportunities for cross-cultural understanding. While American users are exploring a new platform for expression and cultural exchange, they must adapt to different content moderation rules and cultural norms. Some Chinese users have kindly educated newcomers about sensitive topics that might face censorship, while others engage in lighthearted discussions about culture, food, and daily life. The situation has created an unexpected space for genuine person-to-person interactions between American and Chinese users, demonstrating how social media can effectively bridge cultural divides even amid broader geopolitical tensions. As this digital experiment continues to unfold, it offers a fascinating glimpse into the potential for social media to foster international understanding and connection, challenging traditional notions of digital borders and cultural barriers in our increasingly interconnected world.


Keyword Drills 關鍵字:

  1. Influx (In-flux) [noun. when many people or things arrive at the same place at the same time]: The influx of American users to Xiaohongshu coincides with the U.S. Supreme Court's consideration of legislation.
  2. Deliberately (De-lib-er-ate-ly) [adverb. doing something on purpose, not by accident]: Many American users have deliberately chosen this Chinese application as a form of protest against the proposed ban.
  3. Unfolding (Un-fold-ing) [verb. happening or developing gradually]: The cultural exchange unfolding on Xiaohongshu has been remarkably positive.
  4. Newcomers (New-com-ers) [noun. people who have recently arrived at a place or joined a group]: Some Chinese users have kindly educated newcomers about sensitive topics that might face censorship.
  5. Fascinating (Fas-ci-nat-ing) [adjective. very interesting and attractive]: As this digital experiment continues to unfold, it offers a fascinating glimpse into the potential for social media to foster international understanding.

Reference article:

1. https://apnews.com/article/china-xiaohongshu-tiktok-ban-refugees-c7f440803128ef50f0ade44d16068f01

2. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/jan/14/tiktok-ban-rednote-app