Highlights 主題摘要:
- El Salvador has proposed an unprecedented agreement to house foreign criminals and US deportees in its mega-prison system, potentially changing international approaches to criminal detention.
- The deal includes housing convicted criminals of any nationality in El Salvador's 40,000-capacity prison facility, with El Salvador receiving payment in exchange for this service.
- While the proposal has garnered some support, it faces significant legal barriers as the US cannot deport its citizens, and raises serious humanitarian concerns about prison conditions..
In a groundbreaking development that has sparked international debate, El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele has offered to house foreign criminals and US deportees in the country's mega-prison system. This extraordinary proposal, announced during US Secretary of State Marco Rubio's recent visit to Central America, represents an unprecedented agreement in global migration policy that could reshape international approaches to criminal detention.
The centerpiece of this controversial arrangement is El Salvador's willingness to accept convicted criminals of any nationality who are currently in US custody, including members of notorious gangs like MS-13 and Tren de Aragua. President Bukele has even extended this offer to include American citizens, suggesting they could be housed in the country's Terrorism Confinement Center (CECOT), which has a capacity of 40,000 inmates. In exchange, El Salvador would receive a fee that Bukele describes as "relatively low for the US but significant for us." This financial arrangement would reportedly help sustain El Salvador's entire prison system while offering the United States a potential solution to its own overcrowded facilities.
這項具爭議性安排的核心在於薩爾瓦多願意接收目前在美國監管下任何國籍的定罪罪犯,包括臭名昭著的幫派組織如 MS-13 和阿拉瓜火車幫(Tren de Aragua)成員。布格磊總統甚至將這項提議擴大到包括美國公民,建議他們可以被關押在該國擁有 40,000 名囚犯容量的「反恐怖主義監禁中心(CECOT)」。作為交換條件,薩爾瓦多將收取布格磊形容為「對美國來說相對較低,但對我們來說意義重大」的費用。據報導,這項財務安排將有助於維持薩爾瓦多的整個監獄系統,同時為美國過度擁擠的監獄設施提供潛在解決方案。
However, this proposal has raised significant legal and humanitarian concerns among experts and advocacy groups. Legal experts, including UC Berkeley law professor Leti Volpp, have pointed out that the United States is constitutionally prohibited from deporting its own citizens, regardless of their criminal status. Human rights organizations have also expressed alarm about conditions in El Salvador's prison system, where overcrowding, inadequate sanitation, and limited access to legal resources have been documented. Since 2022, Bukele's administration has imprisoned more than 81,000 people as part of an aggressive anti-gang campaign, representing approximately 1.25% of the country's adult population.
然而,這項提議引起了專家和倡權團體對法律和人權的重大關切。包括加州大學柏克萊分校法學教授萊蒂.沃普在內的法律專家指出,美國憲法禁止驅逐本國公民,無論其犯罪狀態為何。人權組織也對薩爾瓦多監獄系統的狀況表示警惕,該系統存在擁擠、衛生設施不足以及法律資源有限等問題。自 2022 年以來,布格磊政府已在打擊幫派的強硬行動中監禁了超過 81,000 人,約佔該國成年人口的 1.25%。
Despite these concerns, the agreement has garnered support from some quarters, particularly those advocating for stricter immigration policies. The Trump administration has shown interest in the proposal, although officials acknowledge the legal complexities involved. This development comes amid a broader crackdown on immigration, with the US government intensifying efforts to detain undocumented immigrants and reduce protections for migrants already in the country. Critics argue that this agreement represents a troubling shift in international cooperation, potentially undermining human rights standards and established legal principles in both countries. Meanwhile, human rights organizations continue to document cases of arbitrary arrests, torture, and enforced disappearances within El Salvador's prison system, raising serious questions about the feasibility and ethics of such an international detention arrangement.
Keyword Drills 關鍵字:
- Migration (Mi-gra-tion) [noun. the movement of people from one place to another]: The new global migration policy that could reshape international approaches to criminal detention.
- Nationality (Na-tion-al-i-ty) [noun. the status of belonging to a particular nation]: El Salvador's willingness to accept convicted criminals of any nationality who are currently in US custody.
- Overcrowded (O-ver-crowd-ed) [adjective. filled with too many people or things]: Human rights organizations have expressed alarm about conditions in El Salvador's overcrowded prison system.
- Humanitarian (Hu-man-i-tar-i-an) [adjective. concerned with reducing suffering and improving the conditions that people live in]: This proposal has raised significant humanitarian concerns among experts and advocacy groups.
- Sanitation (San-i-ta-tion) [noun. conditions relating to public health, especially the provision of clean drinking water and proper disposal of human waste]: The prison system faces issues with inadequate sanitation and limited access to legal resources.
Reference article:
1. https://edition.cnn.com/2025/02/03/americas/el-salvador-migrant-deal-marco-rubio-intl-hnk/index.html
2. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/feb/04/el-salvador-deportees-incarcerated-us-citizens/