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Topic: Junk food habit affects sleep quality

French fries and hamburgers are popular with teenagers. Everyone knows that these high-calorie foods can lead to chronic illnesses such as heart disease and high blood pressure, but, according to a report published by Medical Xpress, a study led by the University of Queensland in Australia has found that eating too much junk food can also have an impact on teenagers’ sleep quality.


According to the research results, teenagers who drink more than three soft drinks per day were 55 percent more likely to report sleep disturbance than those who only drink one cup per day. Males who ate fast foods on more than four days per week were 55 percent more likely to report sleep disturbance than those who ate them only once a week, while females were 49 percent more likely to do so.


This global study examined unhealthy diets and stress-related sleep disturbance in high school students from 64 countries. The study found that 7.5 percent of adolescents reported having stress-related sleep disturbance, which was more common among females than males and increased with more frequent consumption of carbonated soft drinks, as did the occurrence of sleep problems. Because carbonated drinks often contain caffeine and large amounts of sugar, while fast foods are high in energy but poor in nutrients, long-term consumption can cause nutritional imbalances.


These data were collected from global health surveys conducted by the WHO between 2009 and 2016, which included about 170,000 students aged 12 to 15 years from 64 low, middle and high-income countries in Southeast Asia, Africa, South America and the eastern Mediterranean.


The research team said that frequent intake of soft drinks and eating of fast foods is closely associated with sleep problems in teenagers, and that this phenomenon is particularly clear in high-income countries. The research team said that these findings are worrying because poor-quality sleep has an adverse impact on adolescent health and cognitive development. They suggested that policies should be formulated that target these unhealthy behaviors.


Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2021/01/05/2003749938

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Topic: Philippines store rolls out ingenious face masks for bubble tea lovers


In recent years, bubble tea has become synonymous with Taiwan among members and friends of the foreign community, and many locals can often be seen drinking hand-shaken beverages wherever they go.

With the COVID-19 outbreak and the subsequent requirements of wearing face masks in crowded areas, however, drinking soft drinks has become a bit of a hassle.

To solve this problem, a beverage store in the Philippines recently released a new line of face masks that you won’t need to take off to enjoy a sip from your favorite drink.

此店Gallontea將口罩命名為「吸吸罩」(Sippy Mask) ,表面看起來與一般布口罩差不多,但是口罩的嘴巴邊卻有一個小開口,上面附著一個蓋子讓喜愛喝珍奶的人可以邊喝邊防疫。

The “Sippy Mask” released by Gallontea looks like an ordinary cloth face mask, but if you look closely, you’ll find that there is a small opening near the mouth, with a small-cap for bubble-tea lovers to enjoy a safe drink.


On their official Instagram page, Gallontea announced that customers can receive a free face mask with a minimum purchase of 1,000 pesos (US$20.59).

Although the pre-order time was only till Aug. 18 and the masks are currently only being sold in the Philippines, with the way it’s selling out, many people have expressed hope that customers will see this ingenious invention on Taiwan racks very soon.

However, users of the face masks should be mindful of closing the opening once they’ve taken a sip from the drinks or else the act of wearing face masks would be rendered useless.

Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20200819-1696789

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Topic: South Korea bans coffee in schools to curb overconsumption

South Korea will introduce a new law tomorrow banning the sale of coffee in primary and secondary schools to prevent students from consuming too much caffeine. This means that nobody, including teachers, will be able to buy caffeinated drinks on campus. The South Korean government hopes the ban will help promote healthy dietary habits among children.


According to CNN, students under academic pressure consuming excessive caffeine during exam periods is a common problem in South Korea. Other beverages high in calories or caffeine, such as energy drinks and coffee milk, have already been banned in schools. However, critics say students can easily walk a few minutes from their schools to buy such drinks.


South Korea’s domestic coffee market surpassed 10 trillion won for the first time ever last year, standing at 11.7 trillion won, or almost US$11 billion. Over 26.5 billion cups of coffee were served to South Koreans last year, with an average of 512 cups consumed per person. The figure is much higher than the average of over 100 cups yearly for each Taiwanese.


Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2018/09/13/2003700293