
精選詞彙 Vocab #037: 英國老師壓力大 Teachers experience more stress than other professions, study shows

· 15Mins英語咖啡館


This article covers the issues facing teachers in the UK. The stress and workload facing teachers is creating a shortage of teachers. This is leading to changes in work to retain teachers and entice new teachers to join the profession.

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences:

Echo v.: To repeat an idea or opinion because you agree with it

  1. Do you echo the idea that education should be free?
  2. Did he echo your thoughts on politics?  

Workload n.: The amount of work a person or organization has to do.

  1. Do you have a heavy workload?
  2. Is the workload of the company too great? 

Underfunded adj.: Not enough money so functions poorly.

  1. Is the Health Department underfunded?
  2. Is the project underfunded? 