This article discusses the rising popularity of chubby fathersA, those who have a few extra pounds have a softer body and it seems to be a new trend that some women seem to like it.
Vocabulary and sample sentences:
Allege (v.): to state something as a fact but without giving proof
1 Did Mary allege that you stole her chocolate?
2 Was it alleged that the office would be closed on Friday?
Objective (adj.): not influenced by personal feelings or opinions considering only facts
- Is it impossible to be objective?
- Was the report objective or subjective?
Diminish (v.): to become or to make something smaller/weaker
1 Has the value of the dollar diminished?
2 Did the bad feedback diminish your self-esteem?
Prominent (adj.): important or well-known
- Is Microsoft a prominent company?
- Did you play a prominent part in the report?