
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.076: 網路違法下載難以遏止 Chasing down bootleggers

· 15Mins英語咖啡館


The story of Ms. Beshara, the founder of Ninjavideo in 2010 was busted by the federal agents for illegally streaming and distributing pirated tv shows on her website. At the time, her site has 2.6m visits a day and 60,000 registered members. File-sharing online amounts to about a quarter of all consumer traffic. In 2012, Megaupload was seized and shutdown with Kim Dotcom arrested in New Zealand, but not extradited.

Vocabulary and Sample Sentence

Piracy n. the practice of robbing ships at sea.

  • Many movies were pirated and made available online before its actual release.
  • Online piracy hinders the development of the movie and music industries.

Indict v. accuse or charge with a serious crime

  • Kim Dotcom was indicted by the US on charges related to copyright infringement.
  • He was indicted by the prosecutor for theft. 

Confiscate v. take or seize someone’s property with authority

  • The FBI confiscated Ms. Beshara’s computer hardware.
  • The school teacher confiscated the student’s smartphone when he was caught using it in class. 