In modern society, having a fixed skillset and hyper-focused experience may not help us weather the ever-changing economic cycles and market changes. As our careers get longer, we need to think about reinventing, or at least, pivoting to alternate viable career paths. In this episode, Angel and I speak about what is needed to reinvent oneself, and share what we think is the next leg of our careers. What do you think are the key components to reinventing your career? Let us know down below!
1. Go through the hoops idiom. 面對種種障礙
As you get older and the job market becomes more competitive, you would need to go through the hoops to find a good job. 當你變老和就業市場變得更競爭的時候,找工作就更加困難。
2. Entrepreneurialism n. 創業家思維
Everyone will get to a phase in their careers where entrepreneurialism will push them further. 每個人的職涯都會走到一個創業家思維階段做更近一步的發展。
3. Next leg of phr. 下一段
John started podcasting to prepare for the next leg of his career. John開始做podcast來為他的下一段職涯做準備。
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