
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.138: 世足你看球員還是球賽 Who are you rooting for this World Cup?

· 15Mins英語咖啡館


For the first time in history, this year FIFA World Cup is going to be held in Qatar. Once every four years, soccer fans around the world gather and watch as the soccer titans around the world clash for the championship title. In this episode, Angel and I talk about the football stars and when the World Cup will take place. Who's your favorite team or player? Comment down below!


1. Bet n. & v. 賭注/打賭

My group of friend likes to make bets during FIFA World Cup. 我的一群朋友喜歡在世足賽時打賭。

2. Root for sb. phr. 替某人加油

If I am going to root for Lionel Messi this World Cup, who are you going to root for? 如果我這次世足賽替梅西加油,那你想替誰加油?

3. Go down in history phr. 留名青史

Qatar will go down in history as the first Middle East country to host the FIFA World Cup. 卡達是這次名留青史成為第一個主辦世足賽的中東國家。

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