
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.145: 有聽出來我們過去都遠端錄音嗎?Could you tell we recorded remotely?

· 15Mins英語咖啡館


Toward the end of the year, the growing workload made Angel and I adjust the way we used to record. For the past couple months, we've been recording remotely. During this time, we noticed the changes in the way we record our sessions and the little things we care about. In this episode, Angel and I are finally back in the studio, recording face to face. Why don't you tell us how you usually prepare for your Zoom sessions? Comment down below!


1. Nuance n. 細緻差別
When remote recording without video, you have to listen to the nuances in the voice. 當遠端錄音沒有影像輔助時,得聽聲音裡細微的差別。

2. Blur v. 模糊化

Most people choose to blur their background in Zoom meetings. 多數人在遠端會議時會選擇模糊化他們的背景。

3. Post-pandemic era n. 後疫情時代

In the post-pandemic era, you have to be ready for all hybrid work situations. 後疫情時代你必須準備好各種彈性工作的情境。

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