
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.149: 年底Spotify與PS數據回顧 Spotify and PS wrapped for 2022

· 15Mins英語咖啡館


In the last week of the year, both Spotify and PS network are offering a glimpse of your listening and gaming habits in 2022. In this episode, Angel and I discuss some of the interesting data points we received from Spotify and PS. What is your PS stats and Spotify wrapped like? Comment down below!


1. Playlist n. 歌單
Spotify allows users to share and browse user playlists. Spotify讓使用者可以分享以及遊覽其他使用者的歌單。

2. Rat race n. 永無止盡的競爭

Life is just like a big rat race. 人生就是一個永無止盡的競爭。

3. Annual fee n. 年費

PS plus charges an annual fee. PS plus是個需要付年費服務。

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