
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.151: 雙J論單元試播 - Twitter裁員第一天就慘賠 Twitter's golden parachute

· 15Mins英語咖啡館


We are piloting the latest Vocab to include Human Resource (HR) related topics. Jemmy, my bud working at the HR solution provider firm came to chat about the mass firing at Twitter recently. 想要我們繼續討論人資、職涯、外商工作相關主題,請留言支持我們雙J論! Comment down below!


1. C-Suite n. C字輩 / 最高主管層
Elon Musk fired 3 C-Suite executives on his first day at Twitter. 馬斯克在上任的第一天就炒三位最高主管的魷魚。

2. Golden parachute n. 黃金降落傘 失業補償金

The golden parachute clauses among the executives cost Elon $122million. 高階主管的黃金降落傘條款讓馬斯克付出一百二十二萬美金。

3. Severance n. 遣散費

Before signing the employment contract, it is wise to check the severance package. 在簽僱傭合約前,檢查一下相關遣散費用是聰明的。

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