LinkedIN is the best social media to conduct network and personal branding. Many people don't really keep a profile, and those who do, don't regularly review their profiles. This week on J&J, Jemmy and I talk about the biggest tips to improve your profile today! 喜歡我們討論人資、職涯、外商工作相關主題,請留言支持我們雙J論! Comment down below!
1. Qualification n. 資歷
Listing your qualifications is the first step of starting a profile on social media.
2. Network v. 連結(人脈)
Through LinkedIN, it is easy to network with like-minded people. 透過 LinkedIn,和志同道合的人建立人脈是很容易的。
3. Authentic adj. 真誠/真實/原汁原味
Your LinkedIN profile will allow your network to see your authentic self. 你的LinkedIN個人資訊將讓你的聯繫人看到你真實的自我。
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