1. Giving someone the cold shoulder 冷落他人
傳說這句諺語的起源,可追溯至19世紀,當時英國有一位小說家Sir Walter Scott,他在自己的創作裡面使用了這句諺語。裡頭描述在一場飯局中,主人公提供了一塊Cold Shoulder of Mutton(冷掉的羊肩胛肉)給客人,用來表示冷落,不願招待的情境。
原文裡頭a cold shoulder of mutton,Mutton指的是羊肉,而他跟我們所熟悉的Lamb有何區別?
"Giving someone the cold shoulder" is a popular English idiom that means to intentionally ignore someone as a form of punishment or disapproval. It implies a deliberate act of showing indifference or unfriendliness towards another person.
Example sentences:
- After the argument, Sarah gave her friend the cold shoulder and refused to speak to her for days.
- Despite his attempts to apologize, the boss continued to give him the cold shoulder, making the work environment tense and uncomfortable.
2. Hands down 輕而易舉
這句諺語起源自19世紀賽馬運動,由於當時賽馬活動受到全國人民喜愛,報紙上經常看見許多有關賽馬的資訊,而體育記者運用了Hands down這個字句,來描述騎士通過終點前,雙手垂放,沒拉韁繩仍舊獲得冠軍。這代表騎士在這場比賽中,拿下勝利是輕而易舉。
現代英國最有名的賽馬活動,可以追溯至1711年。當時養了一堆馬,又熱愛賽馬活動的安妮女王,在溫莎城堡不遠處的阿斯科特小鎮舉辦了一場有獎金的賽馬活動,後來為了延續這項娛樂,更成立了皇家賽馬場,也就是阿思科特賽馬會場(Ascot Racecourse) ,300多年來,這座賽馬場每年六月都會舉辦皇家賽馬會(Royal Ascot)。據說它是英國最有價值的賽馬活動,獎金高達數百萬英鎊,除了看賽馬外,也是世界知名的社交場合,活動中能看見參與者盛裝打扮,展現自己時尚的一面。
"Hands down" is a common English idiom that is used to indicate a clear and decisive victory or outcome. It means that something is easily the best or most superior option without any doubt or competition. It suggests that there is no need for further discussion or debate because the winner or the best choice is evident.
Example sentences:
- John is the fastest runner in our school. He wins every race hands down.
- The new restaurant in town has the most delicious pizza. It's hands down the best pizza I've ever tasted.
這則諺語,跟一位英國海軍將領有關,他的名字叫做Horatio Nelson。本身活躍於法國大革命與拿破崙戰爭時期。這時期的英國坐擁了海上霸權的地位,然而他們越想鞏固這個位子,就越擔心周邊的鄰國強盛起來,加上當時英法兩國時常出現軍事對抗,英國就更擔心其他國家成為法國的同盟國。
當時北歐跟俄羅斯有一個組織叫做第二次武裝中立聯盟(Second League of Armed Neutrality)目的是為了保護中立國在海上的貨運暢通,不會受到英法任何一方的阻撓。不過當初英國海軍比較神經質一點,他們為了阻斷任何有可能提供給法國人的資源,會嚴格搜查有出入過法國港口的中立船隻,看看他們有沒有貿易往來,主觀認定下,如果有,那就會扣押船上的貨物。
然而丹麥王國不理會英國的最後通牒,雙方就在海上開戰,而領軍的將領,就包含了前面提到的Horatio Nelson。Horatio Nelson身經百戰,但他曾在一場戰役中失去自一隻眼睛,隨著兩方激烈交戰,Nelson的上司擔心英國海軍前線寡不敵眾,因此要求Nelson撤軍。
此時Nelson默默地將望遠鏡放在它那個失明的眼睛上,並說出了一段最經典的話:「"I have the right to be blind sometimes. I really do not see the signal」
"To turn a blind eye" is an English idiom that means to intentionally ignore or disregard something, usually an undesirable or inappropriate action, without taking any action or intervening.
Example sentences:
- The teacher decided to turn a blind eye to the students' whispering during the test.
- The government officials were suspected of turning a blind eye to the corruption happening within their department.