
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.172: 雙J論 - 需要用AI的新工作 Jobs are requiring experience with ChatGPT

· 15Mins英語咖啡館


ChatGPT has taken the world by storm this year and many experts foresee people with AI experience replacing jobs in the near future. This week on J&J, Jemmy and I go through a couple of jobs that are already requiring experience with AI. 歡迎通勤家族來信回饋「你對未來遠距工作的預測」到[email protected] ,會在節目裡給予特殊Shout out!

喜歡我們討論人資、職涯、外商工作相關主題,請留言支持我們雙J論! Comment down below!


1. Workflow n. 工作流程
Marketing agencies want people who are capable of executing our AI-enabled workflows.


2. Fine-tune v. 微調

Staff knowing how to "fine-tune" ChatGPT prompts would help improve the quality of the company's data analysis. 懂如何微調ChatGPT指令的員工可幫助公司提升數據分析的品質。

3. Vulnerability n. 漏洞/易傷的地方

AI engineers need to identify "potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities" in the company's large language model. AI工程師需要點出公司大型語言模型裡的弱點與漏洞。

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