
精選詞彙播客Vocab Ep.181: 返校日收心操你都買了什麼 Back to school purchases



It's the Back To School season again and this week Angel and I will talk about what was BTS for us like in High School and University. 歡迎來分享給我跟Angel老師 Comment down below!


1. Out-of-town adj. 外地來的

Most students living in the dormitory are out-of-town students. 多數的住校生都是外地來的。

2. Mattress n. 床墊

For hostel students a mattress and duvet is one of the most important items for back to school. 對住校生來說床墊與棉被是最重要的返校物品。

3. Stationery store n. 文具店

During the BTS season, we love to go to stationery stores to stock up for the year. 在返校日,我們都很愛去文具店去補這一年的貨。

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