
精選詞彙播客Vocab Ep.185: 新單元通勤讀電商- 共享雨傘你用的到嗎What is the hype around Raingo?

· 15Mins英語咖啡館


It's the pilot episode of Vocab with 電商讀書會's Lydia and Cariya! They are digital marketing specialist who's going to chat with me about everything cool in the internet space and digital marketing. 喜歡我們討論這些主題,歡迎留言敲碗!


1. Deserve v. 應得/該得到

John tend to lose cheap umbrellas often, so he thinks he deserves expensive umbrellas that he wont lose. 約翰通常會遺失便宜的雨傘,所以他認為他應得用昂貴的雨傘才不會掉。

2. Sharing economy n. 共享經濟

Companies in the sharing economy space include Uber, Lyft, Youbike, and Raingo. 被認為是共享經濟領域企業保括Uber, Lyft, Youbike與Raingo。

3. Reusable cups / Circular cups n. 循環杯

Starbucks recently launched their reusable cups program that would reduce a lot of single-use waste. 星巴克近期發行了循環杯機制,可以減少很多單次使用的垃圾。

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