
15Mins英語咖啡館 Ep.187 : VIP筆記試閱 - Coupang酷澎為何那麼好買?Coupang, the latest mobile-commerce contender in Taiwan



This week Lydia, Cariya and I discuss why Coupang, the South Korean mobile-commerce website is becoming a threat to other e-commerce platforms in Taiwan. 這週的英語咖啡館也會讓大家試閱之後「英語咖啡館訂閱制VIP」會得到的Podcast逐字稿與學習筆記,我們下週10/23會開始推廣「訂閱制加值內容」方案,請大家多多支持!


關鍵片語&同義字Useful Phrases with Synonyms

1. Benefit of the Doubt:

Definition: To believe someone's statement or explanation, even when you are unsure, rather than assuming the worst.

Neutral: Presumption of innocence, extending trust

Formal: Extending the benefit of doubt, granting credibility

Informal: Giving them the benefit, taking their word for it

2. Music to One's Ears:

Definition: Something pleasing or good news. Synonyms:


Neutral: Delightful news, positive revelation
Formal: Pleasing information, welcome announcement Informal: Great news, awesome update

3. Sticky Situation

Definition: A difficult or problematic circumstance. Synonyms:


Neutral: Challenging situation, tough predicament Formal: Complex dilemma, delicate matter Informal: Tough spot, tight spot

4. In the Loop:

Definition: Being part of a group or organization and kept informed about its activities.

Neutral: Included in communications, well-informed

Formal: Part of the network, kept apprised

Informal: In the know, in on it

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