
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K503: 拜登政府將謹慎處理氣候補貼金發放 How to Hand Out Billions in Climate Subsidies? Very Carefully.


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K503: How to Hand Out Billions in Climate Subsidies? Very Carefully.

John Podesta, President Joe Biden’s clean energy adviser, said the administration was working to ensure that a record $370 billion in new federal subsidies for electric vehicles, wind farms, batteries and other clean energy technologies is spent properly and avoids waste and abuse.


Podesta said the White House would issue tax code guidelines by early next year to speed the delivery of the money and was meeting with inspectors general from across the federal government to get advice on ways to safeguard against fraud.


The internal watchdog at the Department of Energy, one of several agencies that is receiving an influx of money under the Inflation Reduction Act, has already warned that Secretary Jennifer Granholm's office does not have enough resources to properly monitor all the programs that will be created.


Under the new law, the Department of Energy budget will grow from $45.3 billion to more than $100 billion in funds and $336 billion in loan authority. Another new law, the CHIPS and Science Act, will pump an additional $30.5 billion into the department.


Republicans, who will take control of the House in January, have suggested that they will investigate the Biden administration’s handling of the flood of tax rebates, loans and incentives under the landmark climate and tax law.


Podesta, who is responsible for overseeing the disbursement of the money, said complex rules expected from the Internal Revenue Service and other agencies would clarify who qualifies for various incentives and how the money will be doled out.


The federal dollars will be consequential to unleashing trillions of dollars in private-sector energy investments, he said.


“I’ve spent a fair amount of time listening to people who are anxious to invest in the United States as a result of this legislation and are preparing business plans assuming that those tax credits will have certainty,” Podesta said. He said the agencies were “on track” and would begin to issue official guidance “by the end of the year and early next year.”


On Thursday, the White House made public a guidebook meant to help companies and consumers as well as state, local and tribal governments navigate the new law. Podesta said his aim was to create a road map that would especially help communities that disproportionately face pollution and climate hazards to take full advantage of the tax incentives.

白宮周四公布一份指引,目的是要幫助企業、消費者以及各州、地方與部落政府了解這項新法律。波德斯塔說,他的目標是擘劃一個路線圖,尤其要協助嚴重面臨汙染及氣候危害的社區,充分利用稅收獎勵措施。Source article: https://udn.com/news/story/6904/6877302