
精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.168: 雙J論 - 新世代辦公室的定義 Changes to remote work and the office



Remote work in the past two years have changed consumer behavior and the way we see the office. This week on J&J, Jemmy and I talk about the changes and what we have observed in our working lives. 歡迎通勤家族來信回饋「你對未來遠距工作的預測」到15minstoday@gmail.com ,會在節目裡給予特殊Shout out!

喜歡我們討論人資、職涯、外商工作相關主題,請留言支持我們雙J論! Comment down below!


1. Clock in / Clock out v. 打卡上班/下班
Many businesses are allowing their staff to clock in and clock out using smartphones.


2. Cubicle n. 小隔間

Modern offices are filled with cubicles, in the near future, desks will be shared. 現代的辦公室都充滿了小隔間,在不久的未來,辦公桌都是用分享的。

3. Locker n. 儲物櫃

If you engage in hybrid work, you would have to put your personal belongings in a locker when going into the office. 如果開始混合工作,你需放個人物品在辦公室儲物櫃裡。

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